Sunday, October 6, 2013

音樂賞析 - Musical Tone vs. Noise

What is musical tone? What makes sound a music or a noise?

Before introducing to music theory, come listen to 4'33" first:

上課講義如下視窗所示:(the page layout may be changed unexpectedly, because it is originally made in Microsoft .ppt format, then saved as Google Slides format and again transformed into .pdf format.)

上課筆記 - 單元學習單 - 在這裡

下課前聽一條蕭邦名曲吧... Prelude C minor, Op. 28 - No. 20

Chopin at 28, oil painting by Delacroix.

Chopin: Prelude C minor, Op. 28 - No. 20, by Michael Angelkovich.


Further reading:
  • - The world's leading classical music group online.

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