Saturday, October 26, 2013

捷運機電 CWR - Continuous Welded Rail

What is the one important feature of the High Speed Rail (Sinkansen) and KMRT's track engineering that makes the high speed train movement with comfort and silence comes possible? Let's see the track building technology for Sinkansen and KMRT systems.

Continuous Welded Rail (CWR / 長焊鋼軌) technology: (台北捷運公司的 簡簡報如下)

台灣高鐵之長焊鋼軌與溫度預力工法介紹及探討,by 蕭炎泉 / 副教授,黃志明 / 研究生,中華大學營建管理研究所。(quite detailed and conprehensive, worth a reading)

長焊鋼軌 - a ppt presentation file

JR 500v2 Streamlined Bullet Train in Himeji Stn.


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